Author: Zahin Alwa

What is Programmatic Advertising & How Does It Work?
Effectively capturing consumers’ attention in today’s digital ecosystem is no

Key Ad Metrics Simplified for Dummies!
The world of AdTech is full of jargon-like terms. It

App Monetization – The Must-Have Innovative Ad Formats to Maximize In-App Revenue
Launching a fantastic app that instantly creates an impression and

Ultimate Overview of Google Ad Manager 360 for Publishers
What’s better? Google Ad Manager or Google Ad manager 360?

Google Publisher Tools: A Complete Guide
Today’s booming programmatic world is as broad as it’s long.

AMP Monetization for Publishers: Challenges and Solution
Do you remember this quote by Bob Feller, “Every day

Benefits of Google Ad Manager (GAM) 360
Download Benefits of Google Ad Manager 360 Infographic Download

What are the new Innovative Ad Formats from Google?
Google recently dropped new innovative ad formats for publishers. But,

What Is Header Bidding And Open Bidding: Understanding Benefits For Publishers & How They Work
What is header bidding? What is EBDA? Header bidding
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What is header bidding vs waterfall?
Header bidding and waterfall are two different ways of selling ad spaces to advertisers. Both of these methods are different and had an effective The

How does header bidding work?
Header bidding, sometimes called advanced bidding or pre-bidding, is an advanced method of programmatic advertisements. It allows publishers to sell ads to various SSPs and